
VCC WIL programs

Health Care


Access to Practical Nursing Practice Experience & Preceptorship

In the Access to Practical Nursing program, students apply their previous training and experience as a Health Care Assistant (HCA) or Resident Care Attendant (RCA) to accelerate their practical nursing training.



Placement schedule

Students complete three practice experiences and one preceptorship throughout their program. Dates and times may vary. Please consult the course list on the program page for more information.

Payment expectations

Practicums and Preceptorships are unpaid.

Contact Janita Schappert, jschappert@vcc.ca

Dental Assisting Clinical Practice

In the Dental Assisting – Certified, students learn the specialized skills and knowledge needed to assist dentists with procedures, provide oral health education, and function as a dental health team member.



Placement schedule

Students complete three clinical practices throughout their program. Dates and times may vary. Please consult the course list on the program page for more information.

Payment expectations

Clinical Practice placements are unpaid.

Dental Hygiene Clinical Practice

In the Dental Hygiene Diploma program, students get hands-on training to provide dental care including examinations, cleaning, polishing, and assessments while working with the public at VCC’s dental clinic.



Placement schedule

Students complete two clinical practices throughout their program. Dates and times may vary. Please consult the course list on the program page for more information.

Payment expectations

Clinical Practice placements are unpaid.

Dental Technology Sciences Diploma Practicum

In the Dental Technology Sciences Diploma, students learn traditional and digital technologies used in the design and fabrication of dental restorative prostheses, orthodontic appliances, and implant-supported restorations.

  • Dental Technology Practicum: 570.0 hours
Placement schedule See upcoming practicum dates:
Payment expectations

Practicums are unpaid.

Contact Ken Izumi, kizumi@vcc.ca

Health Care Assistant Practicum

In the Health Care Assistant Certificate, students acquire the knowledge and skills to provide person-centered care and promote physical, emotional, cognitive, and social well-being of clients in continuing care environments. EAL students (English as an Alternative Language) students may take Health Career Assistant – EAL.


60 hours

Placement schedule

Students complete one community practicum throughout their program. Dates and times may vary. Please consult the course list on the program page for more information.

Payment expectations

Practicums are unpaid.

Contact Judy Warner, jwarner@vcc.ca

Health Unit Coordinator Certificate Practicum

In the Health Unit Coordinator Certificate, students learn to process physicians’ orders and coordinate patient activities in hospitals as well as long-term and specialized care facilities.



Placement schedule

Students complete two practicums throughout their program. Dates and times may vary. Please consult the course list on the program page for more information.

Payment expectations

Practicums are unpaid.

Contact Radhika Kumar, rakumar@vcc.ca

Medical Device Reprocessing Technician Certificate Clinical Placement

In the , students get specialized training to reprocess reusable medical devices such as surgical tools and patient care equipment.


400 hours

Placement schedule

See upcoming clinical placement dates:

Payment expectations

Clinical placements are unpaid.

Contact Rebeccah Bennett, health@vcc.ca

Medical Lab Assistant Practicum

In the Medial Lab Assistant Certificate, students learn to collect and prepare blook (phlebotomy) and other biological samples, perform electrocardiograms (ECG), and communicate effectively with patients and other health care providers. During the practicum, students perform the duties of a Medical Laboratory Assistant in the workplace. The collection and processing of specimens are performed under the supervision of practicum site personnel. During the practicum, effective communication skills, professional conduct and adherence to standard operating procedures are required.

  • Laboratory Practicum: 120.0 hours
Placement schedule See upcoming practicum dates:
Payment expectations

Practicums are unpaid.

Contact Heather McMullen, hmcmullen@vcc.ca

Medical Transcriptionist Practicum

In the Medical Transcriptionist Certificate program, students gain the skills to professionally transcribe and edit medical reports from audio recordings.


50 hours (3 weeks)

  • Practicum: 50.0 hours
Placement schedule

Practicums are usually completed by students in April. See upcoming practicum dates here:

Practicum (MEDC 1220)

Placement schedule See upcoming practicum dates:
Payment expectations

Practicums are unpaid.

Contact VCC CareerLAB, careerLAB@vcc.ca

Nursing: Bachelor of Science Clinical Placements & Preceptorship

In the Nursing Bachelor’s Degree, students receive training to provide safe, ethical, culturally sensitive, and person-centered care as a registered nurse in hospitals, communities, homes, clinics, and residential facilities.



Placement schedule

throughout their program. Dates and times may vary. Please consult the course list on the program page for more information.

Payment expectations

Clinical placements and preceptorships are unpaid.

Contact Sara Desbiens, sdesbiens@vcc.ca

Pharmacy Technician Certificate Practicum

In the Pharmacy Technician Certificate program, students learn to safely and accurately prepare and distribute pharmaceutical products, promote patient health, and communicate with health care professionals in a community or hospital pharmacy.



Placement schedule

Students complete one practicum throughout their program. Dates and times may vary. Please consult the course list on the program page for more information.

Payment expectations

Practicums are unpaid.

Contact Jennifer Vo, jvo@vcc.ca

Practical Nursing Diploma Practice Experience & Preceptorship

In the Practical Nursing Diploma program, students learn to provide safe, ethical, and culturally sensitive nursing care for individuals and families at multiple life stages and in a variety of practice settings.



Placement schedule

Students complete three consolidated practices and one preceptorship throughout their program. Dates and times may vary. Please consult the course list on the program page for more information.

Payment expectations

Placements are unpaid.

Contact Janita Schappert, jschappert@vcc.ca